Problem tree at the Run-June 8-10, 2020

BFRA officers met via email and agreed that one of the trees near the water at the run was dead and posed a threat to members using the run.  It was unanimously agreed to pay for the tree to be cut down.  The tree was removed on 6/10/2020.  The Club President paid $500.00 to Lester Heath for the removal of the tree.  The Secretary/Treasurer will write a check from club funds to reimburse her.

Respectfully submitted, Anne Melville Secretary/Treasurer

2017 Fishing Derby!

Get Ready, Our 2017 Fishing Derby is around the corner. August 19th from 8am to 12PM, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

All kids ages 6-16 and their Families are welcome!

Lunch will be provided at Noon at the Manassas Moose Lodge.

All Participants are encouraged to bring their own Fishing Poles. If you do not own one, we will provide one.

All Participants will receive a Prize! (1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive a Trophy!)

Pre-register by filling out the required fields below. You may also register the morning of at 8am at the Manassas Moose Lodge.


2016 Fishing Derby!!

Get Ready, Our 2016 Fishing Derby is around the corner. July 23rd from 8am to 12PM, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

All kids ages 6-16 and their Families are welcome!

Lunch will be provided at Noon at the Manassas Moose Lodge.

All Participants are encouraged to bring their own Fishing Poles. If you do not own one, we will provide one.

All Participants will receive a Prize! (1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive a Trophy!)

Pre-register by filling out the required fields below. You may also register the morning of at 8am at the Manassas Moose Lodge.


7th Annual River Clean up – Volunteers Needed! April 9th, 2016

Hello Everyone,
We are in need of some Volunteers to help keep the Occoquan River and Reservoir clean!  We’ll be doing the annual spring cleanup on Saturday, April 9, 2016.  Volunteers will gather at the Bradley Forest Recreation – Boat Ramp, where trash can be collected along the shore line using a Kayak or Boat and brought back to the ramp for pickup. All trash bags, gloves and shirts will be provided by PWTSC.  If you are interested or know someone who is please join us on April 9th from 9am-2pm. I have included the link below for further information on this effort.
Liz Knox
BFRA President

Haunted Trail 10/30-10/31

Hello Members,

BFRA would like to announce that the Prince William County Police Department will be hosting a Haunted Trail supporting the Special Olympics on October 30th and 31st. They were able to successfully obtain a permit just in time for Halloween, allowing BFRA to announce the good news. If you would like the hair on your neck to stand up, please stop by and check out the trail. Happy Halloween!

